Oke kembali lagi dengan postingan saya tentang tutorial membuat
sebuah karikatur. Tutorial ini simpel, namun juga membutuhan kejelian
dan kesabaran.
Untuk bahan bisa di download disini dan disini.
Oke langsung saja masuk ke step-step membuat karikatur seperti hasil di atas.
Buka Background image yang sudah di download. Drag image sehingga seperti menjadi seperti dibawah ini.
Setelah itu, gunakan Clone Stamp untuk mengisi bagian bawah yang masih kosong. untuk size 100 dan hardness 5. Gunakan Alt+klik pada bagian yang akan di clone. Lakukan seperti dibawah ini.
Untuk tutorial kali ini kembali saya menggunakan Plugin Topaz Bundle. Pada toolbar pilih filter >> topaz labs >> topaz clean 3 >> cartooned. Sehingga hasilnya akan seperti ini.
Setelah Background selesai, sekarang saatnya memproses model yang akan dijadikan bahan karikatur. Pertama, buka stok model.
Lakukan seleksi pada model. Setelah proses seleksi selesai, tekan Ctrl+Shift+I lalu delete.
Setelah itu seleksi kembali bagian kepala dari model. Setelah terseleksi, tekan Ctrl+J
untuk menduplikat bagian yang telah diseleksi. Lakukan re-size pada
bagian kepala yang telah di duplikat menjadi lebih besar. Sehingga
hasilnya seperti di bawah ini.
Pilih layer pada bagian kepala. Pada toolbar pilih Filter >> Liquify. Gunakan Fordward Warp Tool untuk mengubah bentuk wajahnya, besar kecilnya sesuaikan kebutuhan. Gunakan Pucker Tool untuk mengecilkan betuk bibir. Dan gunakan Bloat Tool untuk memperbesar bagian matanya. Setelah itu klik OK, dan hasilnya akan seperti di bawah ini.
Pilih kembali pada layer tubuh. Pada toolbar pilih Filter >> Topaz Labs >> Topaz Adjust 4 >> Recovery-Highlight.
Effect ini berfungsi untuk lebih menajamkan tone warna pada layer yang
dipilih. Setelah itu tekan OK, dan hasilnya akan seperti ini.
Untuk langkah selanjutnya adalah proses penghalusan kontur pada bagian baju. Untuk langkah ini saya menggunakan Smudge Tool. Untuk Smudging, gunakan ukuran Brush Size 30% Hardness 5% dan Strength 2-4.
Setelah proses Smudging selesai, kembali gunakan Plugin Topaz Bundle. Pada toolbar pilih Filter >> Topaz Labs >> Topaz Clean 3 >> Curly Smooth.
Setelah itu pilih layer kepala kembali. Pilih pada toolbar Filter >> Topaz Labs >> Topaz Adjust 4 >> Psychedelic. Setelah itu pilih Image >> Adjustment >> Color Balance.
Masuk kembali ke menu Filter >> Topaz labs >> Topaz
Adjust 4 >> Detail-Simple Pop >> OK. Dan hasilnya akan
seperti ini.
Lakukan Smudging pada bagian kepala sebagaimana langkah smudging pada
bagian tubuh sebelumnya. Setelah proses Smudging masuk ke menu Image >> Adjustment >> Color Balance.
Pilih menu Filter >> Topaz Labs >> Topaz Clean 3 >> Curly Smooth. Selanjutnya kembali pada layer tubuh. Masuk juga ke menu Image >> Adjustment >> Color Balance. Dan Hasilnya akan seperti ini.
Oke proses hampir selesai. Langkah terakhir adalah proses pembuatan
shadow (bayangan). Pada layer tubuh tekan Ctrl+J. Setelah itu masuk ke
menu Image >> Adjustment >> Hue/Saturation. Pada field Lightness ubah menjadi 0%. Drag kebagian layer sebelumnya.
Setelah itu masuk ke menu Filter >> Blur >> Gausian Blur radius 5,7. Dan hasil akhir akan seperti ini.
Selesai. Semoga tutorial sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat.
Senin, 26 November 2012
Rabu, 21 November 2012
Cara Memisahkan Objek dan Background pada gambar dengan Plugin Azlect
Posted by Sigit eko on Nov 11th, 2011 in Belajar Photoshop, Photoshop Intermediate | 3 comments
Download dulu Plugin nya di Member Area.. atau yang belum jadi member silahkan cari di google.. ada kok kalo jeli.
Cara install nya ada juga kok.. jadi download, Install trus pake
Buka gambar yang mau diedit.. saya pake gambar Steven Gerrard .. Gelandang hebat liverpool itu loh ! hehehe
Duplikat layer background dengan menekan CTRL + J
Sekarang buka Plugin Ezlect nya di Filter > Ezlect > Ezlect extract
Ini Jendela Ezlect nya , toolnya cuman dikit kok jadi mudah dipelajari
Klik Di Object nya ( Steven Gerrard nya) dengan Penanda Object dan Klik di background oleh penanda background.. penampakannya kayak gini nih
Penanda Objek ditandai dengan gambar kotak kecil kalo penanda background ditandai dengan tanda x
Klik Show mask Image untuk melihat hasilnya… kalo kurang bagus bisa dicoba .. klik lagi Show selection edge (letaknya disamping show mask image)
( tool lain nya di dalam ezlect silahkan di pelajari sendiri .. gampang banget kok)
Kalo sudah beres klik Ok ..
background di layer 1 sudah hilang…
Ini sebenernya sudah beres pekerjaan plugin Azlect..
Sekarang tinggal menggunakan gambar hasil pemisahan background tersebut.. terserah mau diapain.. hehehe
Saya beri background aja deh yaa sebagai contoh nya…
buat layer baru di bawah layer 1
terus warnai dengan warna merah
Sekarang klik 2x layer 1 untuk memunculkan Blending Options
Klik Ok…
Beri text atau gambar tambahan … jadinya seperti ini :
Selamat Mencoba !
Selasa, 20 November 2012
Ghostly Text Effect
This tutorial will show you how to combine different layer effects
with the gaussian blur filter to create a simple hazy ghostly text
The Final Result:
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS6, but you can use CS3+ versions as well.
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
* Stock Stormy Clouds by minifoot.
* Lightning Brushes by DianazDesignz.
Note: You might need to load the Contours used in the tutorial, so check this image to see how to do so.
Step 1
- Create a 1152 x 846 px document, set the Foreground color to #012057 and the Background color to #020c1d. Pick the Gradient Tool, click the Radial Gradient icon in the Options bar, then click and drag from the center of the document to one of the corners.
- Create the text in white using the font Friday 13. The font size is 250 pt and the Tracking value is set to 75 to avoid overlapping of the glowing edges.
- Change the text layer’s Fill value to 0.
Step 2
Double click the text layer to apply the following Layer Style:
- Inner Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Vivid Light, the color to #96bbbb, the Choke to 17, the Size to 29, and the Contour to Cove-Deep.
- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light, the color to #47c2fb, the Technique to Precise, the Source to Center, the Size to 46, and check the Anti-aliased box.
- Satin: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #d6ffff, the Angle to 0, the Distance to 110, the Size to 43, and the Contour to Linear.
- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add), the Opacity to 100%, the Noise to 12, the color to #0d3d6e, the Size to 6, and the Range to 85.
- Drop Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #9ca6b7, the Distance to 0, the Size to 10, and the Contour to Half Round.
This will create a glowing hazy effect. Notice that we modified the Blend Mode and color values for the Satin and Shadow effects to use them as Glow effects, in order to intensify the brightness of the different parts of the text.
Step 3
- Duplicate the text layer then make the original invisible by clicking the eye icon next to it.
- Right click the copy text layer then choose Rasterize Type. This
will convert the Type layer into a rasterized layer, in which you can’t
modify the text.
We need to rasterize the layer in order to apply Filters to its content. That’s why we kept the original text layer and made it invisible, so that we can modify it easily if we want to edit the text.
- Go to Filter -> Distort -> Wave, and type in the values
below. The Wavelength Max. value controls how “wavy” the text looks,
with lower values resulting in a wavier effect. So you can play around
with the values if you like.
- You should get a glowing wavy effect now.
Step 4
- Duplicate the rasterized wavy text layer then right click the original one and choose Clear Layer Style to get rid of any effects.
- We will use this layer to make the edges more hazy.
- Change the un-styled text layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay.
- Go to Filter -> Blue -> Gaussian Blur, and change the Radius
to 15. Bigger values will create hazier edges, while lower ones will
create a more defined glow. Try different values until you like the
- Ctrl + Click the styled layer’s thumbnail to create a selection.
- Go to Select -> Modify -> Feather, and set the Feather Radius to 5. This will make the selection smoother.
- Make sure that the blurred text layer is the active (selected) one,
then hit the Delete key to get rid of the inner parts. Go to Select
-> Deselect (or press Ctrl + D) to get rid of the selection.
Step 5
- Click the ‘Create new fill or adjustment layer’ icon down the Layers panel and choose Gradient Map.
- Place the adjustment layer on top of all layers then change its
Blend Mode to Soft Light and its Opacity to 20%, then click the Gradient
box to create the gradient used.
- The gradient uses two colors, #131d2f to the left, and #11263a to the right.
Step 6
- Place the Stock Stormy Clouds image right below the adjustment layer, resize it as needed, then change its layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.
- Create a new layer right below the two rasterized text layers, call it “Lightning”, then change its Blend Mode to Overlay.
Pick the Brush Tool and set the Foreground color to #ebebeb.
- Add some of the Lightning Brushes around the text.
- You can finally use the Eraser Tool to remove any unwanted parts of the lightning.
And there you have your glowing ghostly text effect ready!
The Final Result:
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS6, but you can use CS3+ versions as well.
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
* Stock Stormy Clouds by minifoot.
* Lightning Brushes by DianazDesignz.
Note: You might need to load the Contours used in the tutorial, so check this image to see how to do so.
Step 1
- Create a 1152 x 846 px document, set the Foreground color to #012057 and the Background color to #020c1d. Pick the Gradient Tool, click the Radial Gradient icon in the Options bar, then click and drag from the center of the document to one of the corners.
Double click the text layer to apply the following Layer Style:
- Inner Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Vivid Light, the color to #96bbbb, the Choke to 17, the Size to 29, and the Contour to Cove-Deep.
- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light, the color to #47c2fb, the Technique to Precise, the Source to Center, the Size to 46, and check the Anti-aliased box.
- Satin: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #d6ffff, the Angle to 0, the Distance to 110, the Size to 43, and the Contour to Linear.
- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add), the Opacity to 100%, the Noise to 12, the color to #0d3d6e, the Size to 6, and the Range to 85.
- Drop Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #9ca6b7, the Distance to 0, the Size to 10, and the Contour to Half Round.
This will create a glowing hazy effect. Notice that we modified the Blend Mode and color values for the Satin and Shadow effects to use them as Glow effects, in order to intensify the brightness of the different parts of the text.
- Duplicate the text layer then make the original invisible by clicking the eye icon next to it.
We need to rasterize the layer in order to apply Filters to its content. That’s why we kept the original text layer and made it invisible, so that we can modify it easily if we want to edit the text.
- Duplicate the rasterized wavy text layer then right click the original one and choose Clear Layer Style to get rid of any effects.
- Click the ‘Create new fill or adjustment layer’ icon down the Layers panel and choose Gradient Map.
- Place the Stock Stormy Clouds image right below the adjustment layer, resize it as needed, then change its layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Pick the Brush Tool and set the Foreground color to #ebebeb.
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